Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fiesta Rehearsal Dinner

For our rehearsal dinner we had Fiesta night!

Guests walked found their tables with little, personalized cookies. (They were really good too!)

Framed sombrero table numbers and bright floral displays on the tables.

Lots of yummies!

Each chair had a sombrero on the back for the guest to take home with them. (People sent us some great "after hours" photos with the hats!)

The main bouquets at the front of the room

Mexican buffet (Double Yum!)

The tablescapes were bright and colorful!

Everyone loves a martini glass filled with festive Mike and Ikes. :)

Ice Cream Bar!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Bride to Be" Luncheon

I was given a beautiful bridal shower by eight (yes, 8!) gracious hosts. They used my favorite colors, incorporated my love of sweets and slight obsession with paper. :)

The Tablescape

A placesetting. Check out the cute name cards with the huge flower on front! The inside held the luncheon menu and next to them were mini-journal keepsakes for the guests.

Ice cream containers held delicious truffles and chocolates!

Lovely Friends and Family!

The Plentiful Gifts


Friday, August 27, 2010

Bubbly Facts: 7 Styles of Glassware

"Here's to champagne, the drink divine
That makes us forget our troubles:
It's made of a dollar's worth of wine
And three dollars worth of bubbles."

Did you know that the champagne glass is made in seven shapes? I've been reading this fascinating book, "The Art of the Table - A complete Guide to Table Setting, Table Manners, and Tableware" by Suzanne Von Drachenfels. Here is what she has to say about champagne glasses. Fun!

I love me some bubbly!

1) The Tulip Glass - Widest in the middle of the bowl with a rim that curves inward, the form directs the taste of champagne to the center of the tongue for best balance of fruit and acid. This glass is often preferred by wine connoisseurs.

2) Flute - Long, Narrow Bowl, accommodates the slow rise of bubbles to the rim which keeps the temperature of the champagne cool which is best tasting for champagne.

3) Trumpet - Similar to the Flute, the trumpet flares outward for faster release of the champagne.

4), 5) and 6) Saucer, Sherbet and Coupe - These three shapes are similar in that they have wide, shallow bowls (supposedly formed after the right breast of Marie Antionette). These look great but aren't particularly the best to drink from because instead of tilting the head back, the head is bent over the the glass.

7) Hollow-Stem - Features a bowl that extends to the base. The long bowl is held between the fingers, which generate warmth. This is not a favorite among wine buffs because it warms the champagne but they are certainly stunning looking glasses.

Fun Find: Favor Size Goodie Bins

Since we're in the exciting (and daunting!) process of setting up our new home I killed some time at The Container Store. What a fun place! Did you know that they have a whole gift wrapping/fun section?

I found these ridiculously cute, Mini Goodie Bins with mini scoops for $2.99/each. They are exactly like the big candy bins you'd see at the super market. How perfect are these for party favors? I imagined filling them with m&m's, mints, chocolates, etc. I did a google search and sure enough someone else had similar ideas!

So fun!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

LOVE: Shabby Blogs

I spent a good deal of time today learning how to use Blogger and its customizations. After attempting to work with the rather boring (yet free) blogger.com templates I started looking elsewhere. I found ShabbyBlogs.com and was floored! For free, you can download their adorable products! See that cute header of mine? Yep... all free!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And so it begins...


I've wanted to put my thoughts, creations and fun finds all together in one place for a while now. Since I am now an adult-ish woman (holy guacamole being a Mrs. is so weird!) I figure that the timing couldn't be better.

Loves: Family, Friends, Sunshine - we get lots of it in Souther Cal!, Domesticity (i.e. paper crafts, mod podge, decor, my beloved Cricut!) and spending time with my awesome husband

Dislikes: Domestication (I would much rather craft than wash the dishes!), Brussel Sprouts and mean people

Recent Excitement: Getting married 8/7/10, Remodeling/Moving into our new home sometime this Fall, Dreaming of our (someday) Goldendoodle Puppy and Finishing school.

Here's to post #1!